14th FEBRUARY 16:00




Unusual academic background of Aleksandra Lalic explains her artistic approach to fashion design. Lalic got a degree in art history and theory of art, but her interest moved to fashion design. Combination of knowledge and flair for fashion, made Aleksandra into LalicA.

Lalica fashion label incorporates conceptual into everyday clothing. Intricate cut is made into simple, yet evident garments with high quality materials as an imperative. From long, oversized pants through super-fitted jackets and feminine balloon skirts, LalicA is following her inner silhouette-vision.

Belgrade Fashion Week saw Aleksandra Lalic for the first time in 2012 when she presented her line Hair Dress, a collection of dresses made out of human hair.

Aleksandra Lalic exhibited/presented her work in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, USA. LalicA garments can be purchased in shops in Vienna (Austria), Korcula (Croatia), Williamsburg (Virginia, USA) and the Belgrade Design District (Serbia). On the 37th Belgrade Fashion Week she received the ELLE Fashion Award for the most illustrious show. 2018 Aleksandra Lalic recieved ELLE STYLE AWARD for the best fashion designer.


My Sweet Girl So Scared to Forget About Death

This free season collection is not a collection, rather a gathering of clothing items that has come about as a response to the simulation of the recent reality. Occupied with the attempt to adapt to the new one. It is devoid of topic or essence, it is merely a thesis for a brand as a live category, determined by the imagination of its creator.

Its concept is nothing else but the circumstance in which it has been created: it started as a spring collection, with defined pallettes, themes, reminiscences in form following certain historical elements, interrupted by disturbing social events, ended as a winter collection, in a global uncertainty.  Facing the unknown without toxic positivism, not ignoring the difficulty of adaptation, LalicA promotes the possibility of creative existence in the tpost pandemic time as a profesional-life paradox, humour or irony. But also the idea that fashion is a form of ecstatic social atmosphere, which is motivating and producing the feeling of belonging to the collective.



LalicA Design Shop Gracanicka street 9 Belgrade

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